
Deep Learning Based Text to SQL Conversion on WikiSQL Dataset: Comparative Analysis
3rd IEEE International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), 2022

Details Proceedings


CirQuip (Project Lead) | ReactNative, MongoDB, Express

  • Developed a mobile application for a student startup, featuring professional networking and a buy/sell platform tailored for students. Integrated real-time chat functionality with admin using
  • Successfully launched the application on the Google Play Store, achieving over 500 downloads.

HTTP Server | Computer Networks, Python

  • Developed a custom server utilizing socket programming and multithreading, supporting persistent and non-persistent connections.
  • Implemented cookie handling and multi-level logging, ensuring strict adherence to RFC 2616 HTTP protocol standards.

Kernel Threads implementation in xv6 | Operating Systems, C Language

  • Implemented kernel threads on top of the xv6 operating system by adding and modifying system calls for the creation of the threads.
  • Added userland threading library in the OS with one-to-one mapping and synchronization of threads using ticket locks.

Online Election Portal Using Blockchain | Ethereum Blockchain, Solidarity, Javascript

  • Developed a system to manage multiple elections concurrently, incorporating a robust campaigning feature. Implemented admin functionalities to add voters for each election and set candidate registration timelines.
  • Enabled voters to register as candidates and streamlined the result declaration process by the admin.

Collaborative Text Editor | React Js,

  • Developed a productivity-enhancing platform fostering seamless team collaboration, real-time co-authoring and editing capabilities.
  • Integrated a real-time chat function among users using the library to facilitate efficient communication among co-authors.


Winner - National Level Hackathon (Web-A-Thon) - GITAM University

  • My team developed a full-stack application in MEN stack for colleges to reconnect with their alma mater by creating public/private communities in a time frame of 48 hours.
  • The application also allowed alumni to keep track of their batchmates and college events.